Why Does It Take Me Twice as Long to Read

To Read Better, Read Something Twice

Or fifty-fifty more

Ryan Fan

Photo past Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I am preparing for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), a test that patently involves a lot of reading, and a lot of reading very complex materials. Ironically, every bit an English language teacher, reading comprehension is the section I struggle with most — peculiarly science passages, which is additionally ironic because I was a neuroscience major.

Even so, recently I've had a breakthrough, getting significantly fewer questions wrong on the science passages. What's worked for me is reading something twice, three times, or even more. In a lot of my reading, I skim, particularly if I'm non interested in the text, to begin with. On the 2nd read, though, I'g forced to slow down to cover more, and I simply encounter a lot more than than I did the offset read around. I've performed significantly better on these passages as a outcome — which is something I wish I learned for earlier standardized tests like the Sabbatum or the ACT.

Reading something twice does not just apply to LSAT passages — I've realized there are hidden benefits to reading something twice in annihilation. According to Srinivas Rao, who runs the Unmistakable Creative Podcast, reading something twice helps to remember more than information, miss what you lot learned the first time around, really take action on the information in the volume and accept the data last.

I notice whatsoever book is more enjoyable upon the second read, as is reading any passage a second time. I understand more upon a second read, and we have all had the feel of reading a page, or several pages of a book and having absolutely no idea what we just read. I'k not maxim a second read is a magic bullet or quick fix, simply yous certainly understand more of what you read the second time. Author Vincent Mars says reading twice allows us to pay more attention to way, syntax, and how the writer tells a story instead of happens.

I've stopped believing the value in a book is gone after a first read. It's easy to autumn into the trap of thinking "I know everything that happens — why should I read it once more?" But that is precisely why we should read books twice. Nosotros grab details nosotros didn't catch before, but we likewise proceeds entirely new perspectives.

Again, I don't want the second read of a volume to sound like a magic bullet, but co-ordinate to Rob Waugh at the reading a book for the 2nd time is scientifically shown to bring new appreciation to "both the object of consumption and their self." Researchers from American University said the second read provides substantial emotional benefits. The authors said re-reading reignites emotions from the outset read.

As a teacher, I know re-reading helps with early literacy development. A paper in the said repeated reading helped story comprehension and vocabulary for young children. The newspaper made sure to qualify books needed to be both interesting to children and agree appropriate.

Professor Patricia Meyer Spacks went on a personal journey rereading books throughout her life and says there'due south a sure stigma against re-reading since it requires much more time than watching a movie once again. It brings forth a lot of guilt because there are a lot of other books we feel similar nosotros be reading. Throughout a re-reading, we have feelings of the 2nd reading beingness the "same" or "different."

What's different is nosotros change as readers betwixt our get-go and second read. Not only do we alter as readers, but we change as people. I loved re-reading when I was in seventh grade. When I was 16, even so, I idea "I actually read this stuff? This is and so cringey." Spacks echoes similar disappointments in re-reading which told her how she evolved intellectually and how she individually changed since the last fourth dimension she read

Not everything we learn about ourselves on a second read can be a expert thing since rereading can produce disenchantment with something nosotros used to dearest. I see the second read as more for pleasure and to get something out of the reading. No one person knows everything virtually a religious text just by reading through information technology one time — reading several times makes you see a verse with new perspectives.

The experience is never the same as the starting time fourth dimension. Coming back to my LSAT reading passages, I never fully empathise a passage the get-go time. Ofttimes, for more complex passages, I think "I have no idea what I just read." On the second read, I think "wow — now I get it!" or "I nevertheless kind of have no idea what I just read." In those cases, I'll have to do a tertiary read. Of course, there are times where I'll read a third fourth dimension and nevertheless non have a great grasp of what I merely read, but the fact remains each time you read is a dissimilar experience you go something else out of — even if you lot just read immediately later.


Source: https://baos.pub/to-read-better-read-something-twice-15a666c2b00c

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