Multiple Choice Test for Unerstanding Reading Strategies

Written report Guide

Field 038: Reading (Subtest I)
Sample Multiple-Selection Questions

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Competency 0001
Understand formal and breezy techniques for assessing reading.

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose and function of classroom reading assessment?

  1. to guide instructional planning in reading past determining individual students' ongoing reading needs
  2. to prepare students for state standardized testing in reading past equipping them with a variety of test-taking strategies
  3. to monitor students' bookish achievement in reading by measuring their mastery of the state reading standards
  4. to evaluate the effectiveness of reading education by comparing the reading achievement of specific groups of students
Correct Response: A.
In a standards-based curriculum, student performance standards inform assessment, which in plow informs instructional planning and practices. Reading teachers engage in classroom cess on an ongoing basis to determine students' specific reading strengths and needs in order to plan reading instruction that is effective in promoting students' achievement of course-level performance standards.

Competency 0002
Understand how to interpret and communicate the results of reading assessments.

Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

Retelling is one assessment a teacher uses to monitor students' reading comprehension. A pupil orally retells a story that the educatee has just read silently. The teacher record-records the pupil's retelling and notes observations near the retelling on a form. The results of 1 student's retelling are shown beneath.

Based on this cess, which of the following is the most accurate statement well-nigh this student'south reading comprehension ability?

  1. The student has stiff reading comprehension skills but needs to develop oral linguistic communication proficiency.
  2. The student comprehends the gist of the text just needs to attend more than closely to important details.
  3. The student has some literal comprehension skills simply needs to work on constructing meaning from the text as a whole.
  4. The pupil employs a few basic comprehension strategies only needs to engage more actively in the reading process.
Correct Response: C.
The results of this retelling indicate that the student demonstrates good understanding of story details such equally setting and characters. Still, the student has peachy difficulty with skills that require drawing conclusions from a text, such as identifying the story'due south main conflict, resolution, and theme and being able to brand inferences from ideas that are implied but not straight stated in the text.

Competency 0003
Understand the use of assessment information to plan and guide didactics for readers at all skill levels.

Use the information beneath to answer the question that follows.

Retelling is one assessment a teacher uses to monitor students' reading comprehension. A student orally retells a story that the student has only read silently. The teacher record-records the student'southward retelling and notes observations about the retelling on a form. The results of one student'south retelling are shown below.

Given the results of this assessment, the teacher could most effectively facilitate the student'due south reading evolution by showtime:

  1. having the student read stories with stiff characters that will enhance agreement of character development.
  2. involving the student in guided discussions of stories that prompt the educatee to use textual evidence when identifying cardinal story ideas.
  3. having the student answer a series of questions about a story that encourage the educatee to describe the fourth dimension and place in which the story is fix.
  4. involving the pupil in paired reading activities that provide opportunities to share personal reactions to a story with a partner.
Correct Response: B.
Engaging a student in text-based discussions in which the teacher continually prompts the pupil to look back at the text, to reread key sections, and to draw evidence from the text to support his or her responses promotes the student'due south reading comprehension and helps the student develop the power to read texts, including complex texts, independently and proficiently.

Competency 0004
Sympathize linguistic communication acquisition, reading processes, and theories of reading development.

Which of the following best describes the role of phonics in a enquiry-based uncomplicated school reading program?

  1. Phonics is an instructional strategy that should be used primarily equally an intervention with students who are experiencing reading difficulties.
  2. Phonics is a central component of comprehensive reading instruction that supports students' development of fluency and comprehension.
  3. Phonics is a reading technique that should exist taught implicitly to students who demonstrate specific needs in the area of decoding skills.
  4. Phonics is the central focus of reading instruction until students have achieved automatic recognition of high-frequency sight-words.
Right Response: B.
Rapid, automated give-and-take recognition plays an important role in both reading fluency and comprehension. Inquiry indicates that nearly children who are struggling readers lack mastery of fundamental phonological aspects of reading. Decoding, including applying knowledge and skills in phonics, syllabication, and morphology, is the primary strategy constructive readers use to identify words they cannot recognize immediately.

Competency 0005
Understand the role of phonological sensation in reading development and strategies for promoting phonological awareness skills.

A kindergarten instructor orally presents students with pairs of words (eastward.k., buy/tie, see/saw) and has students identify whether the words rhyme or not. Next she says a serial of one-syllable words and asks students to point to a part of the body that rhymes with each word (due east.k., the teacher says bed and students point to their heads). These activities promote students' reading development primarily by:

  1. improving their discussion decoding skills.
  2. expanding their understanding of the alphabetic principle.
  3. enriching their vocabulary knowledge.
  4. promoting their development of phonological awareness.
Correct Response: D.
Young children are used to attention to oral language solely for pregnant. Since the English writing system is alphabetic and English spellings reverberate both graphophonemic and morphophonemic relationships, young children as well demand to begin to develop the awareness that oral language comprises sounds. Helping children learn to identify words that rhyme is ane important component of developing students' phonological sensation skills.

Competency 0006
Understand the role of phonemic sensation in reading evolution and strategies for promoting phonemic awareness skills.

Which of the following teacher prompts would be most advisable to utilise to promote kindergarten students' phonemic awareness skills?

  1. "Say the first sound you lot hear in the discussion ball."
  2. "Tin can y'all remember of a word that rhymes with the give-and-take cat?"
  3. "Clap your easily for every beat you lot hear in the word umbrella."
  4. "What audio does the alphabetic character D make?"
Right Response: A.
One of the first skills taught in a sequence of pedagogy designed to promote students' phonemic sensation is identifying (also referred to equally isolating) a word's initial phoneme. Within the phonological awareness continuum, this skill follows the development of skills related to identifying, segmenting, and blending onset and rime.

Competency 0007
Understand methods for promoting literacy as a lifelong skill.

A teacher observes that some students in the class seem indifferent to reading and rarely choose to read voluntarily. Which of the following approaches to addressing this situation is likely to exist most effective in cultivating these students' enthusiasm for reading?

  1. explaining to the students the benefits of reading and scheduling time each week for the students to spend in the school library
  2. providing the students with explicit instruction in comprehension strategies that apply to reading specific types of content-expanse texts
  3. challenging the students to read a certain number of books per calendar month and displaying each pupil's progress on a classroom wall chart
  4. involving students in author studies in which they read a number of books by the same author and discuss the books in small groups
Correct Response: D.
Avid readers oftentimes select new books to read independently by actively seeking out books written past favorite authors. Students who rarely read independently, however, do non tend to have favorite authors nor are they probable to exist familiar with the torso of work specific authors have developed. An of import component of promoting reluctant readers' independent reading is helping them discover authors whose writing they enjoy and promoting their awareness that authors oft accept a whole body of piece of work that shares like features and fashion. Author studies contribute directly to the achievement of these goals.

Competency 0008
Understand how to promote students' understanding of concepts near print and the alphabetic principle.

Which of the following activities would exist nigh appropriate for introducing kindergarten students to the alphabetic principle?

  1. writing a student's name on the lath and having students audio out the name by blending the letters
  2. posting students' names on a wall and having students whose names incorporate a certain letter of the alphabet come to the front of the room
  3. proverb a student's name and having students handclapping the number of syllables they hear in the name
  4. reciting a list of students' names and having students raise their hands when they hear a name that begins with a specific audio
Correct Response: B.
Some of the earliest words children tend to larn to recognize in impress are names, both their own names and those of family members, friends, and classmates. Focusing students' attention on the letters in familiar names is an effective manner to begin to foster voice communication-to-print connections, which form the foundation of the alphabetic principle.

Competency 0009
Empathize the role of phonics and other word-analysis skills in promoting reading evolution.

In a sequence of phonics educational activity, which of the following regular phonics generalizations would almost typically exist taught last?

  1. consonant clusters (east.g., tch equally in take hold of, str as in cord)
  2. vowel digraphs (due east.g., ee equally in run across, oa every bit in boat)
  3. consonant digraphs (e.g., ch equally in children, sh equally in wish)
  4. short vowels (e.g., e as in egg, a equally in saturday)
Right Response: A.
Research-based, systematic phonics pedagogy should exist sequenced according to the increasing complexity of linguistic units. Among the four responses given in this detail, consonant clusters—a sequence of three consonants—represent the near complex linguistic unit.

Competency 0010
Understand strategies for promoting fluency at the discussion level and text level.

A first-grade teacher models pauses and inflection changes as he points to punctuation when reading aloud from a big book. He and then leads students in a choral reading of the book. This strategy is most likely to aid students who are having difficulty with which of the following reading skills?

  1. recognizing alliteration and other sound patterns when reading aloud
  2. constructing inferences when reading aloud
  3. using appropriate phrasing and expression when reading aloud
  4. monitoring their ain comprehension when reading aloud
Right Response: C.
The teacher models how to "read" punctuation and and then reinforces learning by engaging students in a choral reading activity. These activities promote prosodic reading (i.east., reading with advisable expression, phrasing, and inflection). Prosody is a key component of reading fluency, which plays an important office in reading comprehension.


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